by Julie Brooks
As the official day to celebrate Fathers' Day comes to an end, I wanted to share a picture that is hanging in my closet. My closet is an art museum full of all 5 kids' artwork. (ran out of space on the refrigerator)
This piece of artwork is priceless, because the artist is no longer living.
Carson Brooks drew this picture when he was 7 years old, and Pierce, our 5th child (who will be 21 years old this month) was due in a couple of weeks at that time.
I loved how Carson drew Todd singing to the baby!
Oh, the memories I am thankful for; even though they are gut-wrenching with the pain of Carson's absence.
I will let the prayers roll out of the corner of my eyes to release the pain that will always be with me.
Lord, I know you have called me to minister to those struggling with mental illness, and to help their families understand how they can learn about their loved one's illness. Todd and I will continue to facilitate #GraceAlliance Family and Living Grace groups.
Every time a child takes their life, Lord, my heart breaks. I pray others will want to get involved; whatever they can do.
#evenasmilecanchangeapersonsday #keyministry #mentalhealthgracealliance
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