by Julie Brooks
I love to collect doors, keys and windows!
I love this saying by Emerson, "Be an opener of doors," because it can mean so many things to different people.
It could be open the door and smile, or open the door and introduce yourself ... invite them in and make them feel special.
Show hospitality to someone. Decide that you are going to make your door count for Christ by being intentional. Invite those who you may have never considered opening the door for.
Be a door opener for those who are struggling in silence with mental illness! They just need someone to listen.
Who can you be an opener of doors for? Ask God to put them in your path, and I am sure your door won't stay closed for long! It is the little things we can do that can become big things when God is involved ... HE uses MIRACLE grow!
by Julie Brooks
As I am cleaning and dusting in our house, God reminded me that this cleaning journey should be an intentional one. Intentional, in the way that I go from room to room, picking up treasures that I don't touch or look at everyday, or picking up pictures that remind me God has been good and faithful, or dusting off pictures of the 5 miracles God has blessed us with in Nicole, Collin, Channing, Carson and Pierce.
Their pictures lead to family memories, and I am reminded about how God has given me a wonderful husband in Todd; so thankful that God has gotten us through plenty of storms that some marriages would not survive.
There is always a pause when I dust off Carson's pictures. I stop; study every feature. Tears sometimes make it hard to see all the dust, but I thank God for allowing me to be intentional in studying Carson's features ... God created them ... just for him. It's all I have for now, until I see him again in Heaven one day.
Then, I move on to look for and pick up priceless toys, left by our 6 Littles (Kingston, Reagan, Sutton, Chandler, Asher and Beckett) on and under the couch, on the coffee table (that is oval and makes a perfect track for those Hot Wheel adventures).
While on my cleaning quest, I also stumble upon assorted play high heels, red lipstick kisses all over the armoire mirror, and little scooters that are used to transport items from one place to another.
I praise God for reminding me to be intentional in praising HIM! Not for a neat and orderly home, like I use to think was so important. But, I thank God for giving me a chance to make my cleaning a treasure hunt back in time (even if just to yesterday).
There are God's miracle minutes waiting EVERYWHERE to praise Him, even on cleaning day! I will punctuate everything I do with a HALLELUJAH!