Today, I rejoice that God helps me see Him, even in the minutes of my days!
We all have a tendency to view our days as "all good" or "all bad." But, God has shown me the wonder of viewing my days in "minutes"... His miracle minutes!
I can choose to praise Him even if for one minute of gladness, encouragement, progress, stability, solitude, praise, joy and more; thus binding the enemy in that same minute. Our Lord loves it when we praise Him!
This is an awesome perspective! Why wait to praise him for His small wonders?
We have 1,440 minutes in each day; each minute an opportunity to praise our Lord for small victories, the miracle minutes. No longer view your life in days but in miraculous moments sponsored by the God of the universe!
Let the praising begin as we go out and bear witness to our mighty God's strength and grace in even the small minutes of each day.
May you all have many of His miracle minutes! Amen!!