by Julie Brooks
Anyone that knows me, knows I love to pray and collect doors. Here is a little door that hangs in our bedroom. I now see how the Lord has merged the two together in my life.
Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find;... knock and the door will be opened to you." In the book PIVOTAL PRAYING, John Hull and Tim Elmore, the authors, describe the word "knock" in this verse as a "constant beating on a door, not a one time tap." It connotes an incessant, almost annoying knocking until the desired results occur.
Jesus beckons us to persist as we partner with Him to accomplish His purpose. I continue to pray "knocking" prayers to our almighty God!
I know He hears and will answer my prayers for the mentally ill and how He wants to help and minister to them thru us as Christians.
I now understand the desires the Lord has given me...both visual reminders (my doors hanging decoratively throughout our house) and spiritually (His opportunities through intercessory prayers).
Amen...I will continue to knock!!!